Comic Addiction Podcast
Comic Addiction is hosted by Ed Moore, Jr and Chris Partin. Every episode we recommend to you a "six pack" of books on the FOC, what's coming out next week, and other comics we're reading. That's 18 books in two hours (roughly). We record each episode 'live' on our YouTube channel every Thursday night at 9pm EST. Come hang out with us and be a part of the show!

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Welcome back to the official podcast of!

This episode is all about the announcements at E3 this week! Yes, we do read comics AND play video games! Crazy, but true. This episode we are also joined by fellow game, Kara "Wonderland" Ligon. 

We go over games like Fallout 4, BOOM, Mass Effect Andromdea, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Star Wars Battlefront, Unraveled, Need for Speed, Mirror's Edge, Assassins Creed Synidcate, The Division, Rainbow 6: The Siege, The Last Guardian, the Final Fantasy 7 remake, Black Ops III, Yoshi, and many more!

We also take some time to talk about Microsoft's announcements for the new XBox Elite controller and the backwards compatibility that will be coming for XBox One owners.

Want to contact us? You can email us at or find us on Twitter @ComicAddiction.

Find us on Twitter:

Kara (@Kbligon)
Ed (@TealProductions)
Peter (@TweetGeekSushi)
Chris (@ChrisPartin)

We appreciate you listening to the show.

Intro/Outro Music: “Immortal” by Fall Out Boy

Direct download: CA0121.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:21pm EST